
You Make Your Momma's Heart Melt

Hope is now 21 months, she is says probably up to 30-35 words and is starting to put two word sentences together.  Every night before bed, if we are not running late, I read to her.  One of her favorite books is a Karen Katz "Baby's Colors"  Every page starts out "Baby sees.....".  As I am reading each page she is pointing to the picture of the baby and is saying "bebe".  On one page she does this and I say "that's right Hope!  Baby! And you are Momma's baby!"  As soon as I said that, she quickly turns to me with a big smile, kisses me and gives me a hug.

In the frustrations of every day life and the feelings of being inadequate, God knows how to make it all go away.


Proud Daddy


Hope Elizabeth

Lola the Bulldog

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