
Eight Months

I know this is out of sequence to catching up to present day, but I wanted to write down some of Hope's milestones so I would remember.  I wasn't able to really do this before - when Hope was born at 3 weeks she had Colic and Acid Reflux till about 4.5 months and spent much of her time crying.  Those days really are a blur, you can just ask Auntie Heather.

Hope at eight months you:

*Just learned to click your tongue and are quite proud of yourself for doing so.
*You can sit up without assistance and lean forward or to the side to reach for toys and return to
  your sitting position.  Although you cannot bring yourself to the sit up position, Momma has to sit you down.
  You do not like to roll over or be on your tummy for too long.  You get very fussy about it.
*You cannot crawl yet and have no teeth.
*You weigh 17 lbs., wear size 6-9 mos and are eating three meals a day and love peas.  Whenever a
  new food is introduced you always make the same sour face and look at me like "ewww, what is this?"  But
  by the third or fourth day you are use to it and will eat it.  You are still nursing a lot, only supplemented with
  formula if I have to leave you with someone or we will be running errands during a feeding time.  You can
  hold your bottle by yourself.
*Much to my dismay you are still not on a set sleeping schedule,  napping is random and not for very long.
 You do good if your nap is an hour and a half.  You use to sleep from 9pm to 5am uninterrupted but now
  wake up at 1:00 am for a few minutes - long enough for me to give you your pacifier and rub your back.
*You love your jolly jumper and have outgrown your bouncy seat.
*Lola our bulldog loves you and you laugh when she kisses you.
*You flap your arms and legs when you get excited and  babble up a storm.
*You grab everything in reach and will grab food from our hands.
*Sometimes when looking at a person you will squint your eyes like your thinking something serious about
*You are getting much better at playing by yourself on the floor or in the play pen for a little bit so mom can
  do a household chore.
*You do not fuss as much when we are going out running errands and like the distractions of being out of the
*You are generally happy and love to get kisses and hugs, we have just started Eskimo kisses and you think
   they are funny.  Like your Daddy, you do not have any patience.  If you don't get what you want when you
   want it, look out - the whole world knows you are not happy.
*Your best time of day is first thing in the morning, you are very happy then.
*In church on Sundays, you stare at your Uncle Mark leading worship.  You are just captivated the whole
  time he is singing.  You are doing really well now when you go to nursery.  They have not had to come get
  me for awhile now.

Your Momma, Daddy, and Big Sister love you so much and are really enjoying watching you grow.  We cannot wait to experience your first Christmas!


Sandy said...

Sounds like you will have a fun Christmas. I admire your faith in the day-to-day living with God.

Mishka said...

Thanks Sandy! I cannot imagine going through life without Him!!

Proud Daddy


Hope Elizabeth

Lola the Bulldog

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